Read And Research Your Way To Healthier Nutrition

WE are so lucky to live in the United States of America. A country where most all of its population can read and write. 
Where laws are made and enforced protecting you and I from harm, which includes labeling the ingredients of the food we eat. 
What good is being able to read and write if you choose not to use them to protect yourself? How often have you read the label listing the ingredients found on the packaged of food, or for that matter anything you've bought in the past? 
This is a privilege that should be used and not neglected. There is still room for the bad guys to mislead you but at least use the tools that are made available for you.
Be a label reader when it comes to the food you buy, so you know what you are putting into your mouth is good for you.. 
How are you supposed to know when many of the words used you can't pronounce, much less understand? Is "Natural" the same as "Organic?" 
Believe it or not this is purposely done to confuse and satisfy the average person. The average person sees "Natural" believing that the product has not been altered from its original state in nature. 
The inquisitive person asks don't they mean the same thing? No, they don't and they are both used to get by the consumer. 
Unfortunately most consumers don't read labels and many of them that do are confused but decide that they wouldn't sell something that would be harmful to them. 
This is extremely disheartening that people are so gullible. Of course there is the statement that "We are all going to die from something so what's the difference as long as it taste good." 
The internet is available to practically everybody, everywhere with not only one source but hundreds if not thousands of sources to receive the information necessary to know exactly what you are putting in your mouth.
Surprise the manufacturers and not only read the labels but research them, too. You will find that most of them don't have your best interest in mind, but making a profit is. 
The average American diet is terrible and that is because the average American doesn't care what goes in his mouth as long as it taste good and it's convenient. 
This country is blessed with having more of everything making us top dog, except when it comes to healthy people. WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!
A natural organic diet is the ideal defense against aging, disease, pollution and any other problem affecting our health. 
The problem with a natural organic diet is the fact most people WILL NOT use it. That's right most people will not eat raw vegetables and fruits.. 
So here is an alternative which is a distant 2nd place, but better than the rest. It's a very nutritious supplement.
Check it out, Make your own decision..

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