Funding Trends for Adult Stem Cell Research Pave the Way for Efficacious Therapies

Research indicates that funding trends for stem cell research are shifting focus from embryonic cells to non-embryonic cells, which are considered to be morally and ethically beyond question.
The embryonic type derive from embryos, and those used for research are generally developed in vitro (outside the body, in a laboratory). 
Non-embryonic stem cells, also know as adult or somatic stem cells, are found in the various tissues and organs of our bodies. Their primary role is to maintain and repair whatever organ or tissue they are found in. 
Extracted from a patient's body and then reintroduced - or transplanted - to the body after various treatments like chemotherapy (that aims to destroy a faulty immune system), they enable the patient to recover with minimal risk of rejection.
Funding Trends for Research
The Washington-based Charlotte Lozier Institute recently released a report that indicates current funding trends in the state of Maryland, with reference to funding from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). 
The ultimate finding was that there has been "a decisive change in strategy," that reflects the scientific stem cell community's opinion that the best opportunity for disease therapies and treatments is with non-embryonic stem cells that are "morally unproblematic," rather than morally questionable embryonic stem cells.
Stem cell research is not new, but for decades, they have been obtained "by destroying unique, living human beings," says Chuck Donovan, president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute. 
The belief previously was that they had the potential ability to cure numerous conditions and diseases, some deadly. Initially, says Donovan, this type of funding boomed, but unfortunately "efficacious therapies did not" flourish.
Labeling embryonic-based research "morally objectionable," Donovan is heartened that the Institute's research shows there is a growing desire on the part of funding organizations (in this case specifically the CIRM and the Maryland Stem Cell Commission) to fund what he calls ethical stem cell projects nationwide. 
This reflects a belief on the part of the scientific community that morally unproblematic alternatives hold the key for the most encouraging and likely rapid advances in medical science.
The Report
The MSCRF, established in 2006, has already distributed millions of dollars for this type of research. An analysis of how much has been granted to embryonic-based research, and how much to non-embryonic research, shows a falling trend for the former, and rising trend for the latter.
While the number of grants from the Maryland commission is relatively low - particularly when compared with those from the CIRM - the trend is nevertheless marked. 
A total of 11 embryonic-based projects were funded in 2007 and 2009, peaking in 2008 to 16. In addition, three grants were given for studies that used both adult and human embryonic stem cells (hESCR). 
Grants totaled $7.61 million. Last year only one embryonic-based project was funded.
Conversely in 2007 only four non-embryonic projects were funded, while 28 were funded last year. Of these, 17 used adult and 11 used induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). 
The highest numbers were funded in 2009 and 2010, with 32 non-embryonic projects being funded each year.
CIRM statistics, discussed in more detail in an earlier Charlotte Lozier Institute report, follow a similar pattern. This is notable since the CIRM is described as being the largest source of funding for research of this kind outside of the NIH.
The funding patterns show very clearly that in spite of what early researchers confidently predicted in terms of hESCR research has not happened. 
Instead it is adult and iPSC research that is increasing vastly, while hESCR has decreased sharply. Further, the use of SCNT for the purpose of cloning embryos for patient-specific cells "now seems quaint," the report states.
Finally, the report points out that "money also talks."
And, what the money is saying is that those viable alternatives exist and it is with them that the real therapeutic promise of regenerative medicine lies."
Steve Marshank has been working as an entrepreneur in health care with a focus on the burgeoning stem cell industry for more than six years. 
A member of groups that study the topic, including the Advances in Stem Cell Discoveries Society, and Regenerative Medicine Foundation and the Cell Therapy Industry Group, he has developed a wide-reaching network of relationships with companies, medical professionals, scientists and business leaders in the industry. 
You can read more about his specialized topic of interest and this 21st century field of research at

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