We are so used to stress, that we do not recognize how stressed we are until physical symptoms and problems occur.
A little stress can be helpful and sometimes necessary if we have to satisfy a deadline or avoid a dangerous situation.
Individuals who can't handle stress well may have headaches, stomach aches, sleeping difficulties, depression issues and all kinds of other illnesses.
In addition to the unfavorable and harmful physical consequences long- term stress causes, we need to think about how stress causes us not to enjoy our lives as we should.
The mental and physical distractions caused by stress keeps us from enjoying the beneficial things in our lives. But don't give up, you can help control stress in a number of different ways that have quick results.
Yes, that overpowering sensation that you haven't time for anything else, particularly to indulge in self-care, is a certain sign that you are all stressed up and must stop and take time to nurture and recalibrate yourself.
As I researched the topic of relieving stress, I noticed two different approaches suggested. Each approach was made up of several steps.
In this article I'll list the steps in both approaches and leave it up to the reader as to which is best. It may also be possible to combine both approaches into one.
To help us identify the two approaches, I'll call the first, General Stress Relief Tips and the second, Problem Centered Stress Relief Tips.
General Stress Relief Tips
1. Eat healthy and use vitamin supplements.
2. Get lots of rest, but remember, some people need more rest than others. Pay attention to your body to see how much rest you need, then do it.
3. Go for a break and remember, don't push yourself too hard. This is especially true if you are on a high pressure job. Great stress is caused by burnout.
4. Limit yourself and don't try to do everything. Delegate tasks whenever you can.
5. Go back to school and take a class that interests you.
6. Avoid stimulants like drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.
7. Exercise on a regular basis. You don't have to do anything fancy like join a gym. Go for a walk, bike, swim, or whatever makes you feel good and gets your heart rate up. At least 20 minutes a day of vigorous exercise works wonders.
8. Talk to a friend. Often just talking with someone can make you feel a lot better.
9. Exercise your faith and have faith in yourself. Studies show that people who have some type of faith or belief, have reduced stress levels.
10. Jot it down in a journal. Keeping a journal is a great way to clear your brain, organize your thoughts, and gain objectivity about whatever is causing you anxiety or worry.
11. Live in the "now." Whenever we fret about what going to happen or play back what has happened in the past, we lose sight of the only real moment in time, right now.
12. Engage in enjoyable activities from time to time.
13. Be positive and surround yourself with positive people.
That's the end of our General Stress Relief Tips, now on the an approach dealing the problem(s) creating the stress.
Problem Centered Stress Relief Tips
1. Determine the issue causing your stress. Make your description as specific as possible, so even someone else would be able to identify it.
2. Employ creative problem solving skills to list as many ways as possible to attack it.
3. Choose the most best plan for your given situation.
4. Create precise goals to accomplish using your plan.
5. Develop a series of steps to accomplish each goal.
6. Put a time limit on every step, by choosing a specific accomplishment time.
7. Get rid of other non-priority interruptions and duties.
8. Take a break and breath -- look out the window for a while or go take a walk.
9. Attack step 1 of your first goal.
10. Evaluate the results of your attack.
Well there you have it -- two recommended approaches you can use to relieve the stress in your life. Try one, both, or mix the two together.
The most important thing though is to take action. I guarantee you that whatever your stress trigger is, is won't go away on its own, so get started today.
For more helpful information on dealing with stress in your life, visit my website at: http://www.stressmanagementtips2014.imniches.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JE_Phillips
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