It is estimated that over 40 million people suffer from anxiety each year, and due to the pressures of the job getting bigger, that figure looks set to increase.
When we get anxious, the body goes through a few changes, including a racing heat-beat, to shortness of breath, to even feeling light-headed and dizzy. But for some people, they can even feel nausea.
But what is nausea?
Nausea is the feeling that you are going to vomit That feeling of sickness in your stomach, that means that you can vomit very soon, and can come during or after a bout of anxiety or an anxiety attack itself.
Nausea is caused by the consequence of blood leaving the stomach area during the bodies response to the, 'fight-or-flight' state.
Put simply, when the mind gets anxious, the body goes into, 'fight-or-flight' which means that adrenaline is flooding the body, which causes blood to be directed away from the stomach.
When your stress hormones are released, your stomach produces lower levels of enzymes and higher levels of its acid, which causes the stomach to ache.
It could be said that this is why some people who have anxiety can also have irritable bowl syndrome, which can also trigger nausea.
This naturally has a bad effect on the individual concerned, who not only has to content with going though an anxiety attack, but also has to contend with feeling sick at the same time.
Not a great combination! It is no wonder some people even have the fear of feeling nauseated, that is, that fear the very fear that could cause anxiety to begin with.
This leaves people having a very limiting life experience, as they will understandably try to compensate, by avoiding anxiety or stress inducing situations, which will ultimately result in less enjoyment.
But it doesn't have to be this way. There are ways of tackling nausea, so it doesn't have a crippling effect on you.
Some people use OTC medications, like Peppermint, Pepto-Bismol and Tums, which can be used for a temporary effect, but there are other ways you can help relieve yourself of feeling nauseated, and help get you life back together.
Below is a small list of the best ways to help yourself of nausea
1. Green Smoothies.
A nice drink of a jam-vegetable-packed smoothie will actually help your stomach to reduce the nausea, as it provides the stomach with nutrients.
Keep the vegetables organic, to reduce the risk of inducing wax and pesticide). Drinking green smoothies helps your stomach, provides you with nutrition, and help reduce the rick of nausea.
2. Ginger Root, or eating a Ginger tablet
This can be a great way to reduce nausea, especially if you take it in a tablet form. While the taste may not to be everyones liking, Taking Ginger will help combat nausea, and is a safe herb, unlike the side effects of taking medication.
3. Acupressure
Believe it or not, your body has acupressure points, and you can use a certain acupressure point, located about 2-3 finger widths below the wrist to relieve the symptoms of nausea.
The trick is to apply some pressure on the area, for around 30 seconds, but the best thing to do (on the safe side) would be to buy a special wristband which will automatically have a knob positioned correctly on the spot, so you can apply pressure towards it when you feel nauseated.
4. Massaging your tummy.
Just by massaging the top part of your stomach area can help relax your stomach and reduce your nausea. Massaging the stomach promotes blood flow, and helps the stomach increase the strength of its muscles.
5. Splashing cold water on yourself
Splashing cold water on your face gives a signal to your heart to slow the heartbeat down to try to maximize the time we can keep ourselves under water.
It's a natural response, called the, 'Mammalian Diving Reflex'. By splashing your face, you are essentially reducing your heat-beats, which help calm the mind, which in turn reduces the Nausea.
6. Drinking Water
Drinking water can be a great way to reduce nausea, as is helps nourish the body. Also, when you are anxious, you can become slightly dehydrated, which can lead to more anxiety, so drinking water can actually promote more of an anxiety-free future
7. Having Herbal Supplements.
Herbs, such as Passionflower, Valerian Root and Kava can be effective at reducing nausea, and can be a great alternative to taking medication, which of course can have some side effects.
8. Deep breathing
Control your breathing when you are feeling anxious or stressed has been shown to help relieve the symptoms. By deep breathing, you control the mind, which in turn helps alleviate the nausea.
Deep breathing also can induce a meditative-effect on your brain, so you relax more quickly. Try to breath in for 5 seconds through your stomach area, holding for a few seconds, and then breath out for 5 seconds.
Repeat this 10 times. This should help calm your mind down, and allow you to re-focus.
Hopefully you'll be able to reduce your nausea with the above, but as always, if it feels like it is too much, always consult your doctor or GP for help.
But the ultimate trick to reduce your nausea will be to control your anxiety, and find out which situations causes you most anxiety and stress, and then find coping mechanisms to help combat those stressful situations.
If you do want to find a way to dramatically reduce the nausea when you are having an anxiety attack, there is an even easier way of doing it.
Click here to answer, "The easy way to stop anxiety!" Go to
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