In my in-depth studies of the Vedas the study of energies is of the utmost importance. In particular the balancing of the male and female energies.
As you know we are all energy, and as you also are probably aware, we all have both masculine and feminine energy in our make up.
Men usually have more of the masculine energy which is more aggressive, macho, hostile, warring, violent, feisty, domineering, assertive, forceful, dynamic, energetic, enterprising, vigorous and audacious.
Women usually have more of the feminine energy which is more nurturing, loving, warm, inclusive, peaceful, embracing, modest, weak, soft and gentle, timid, meek, docile.
And you can find many more adjectives to explain both energies in a positive and in negative ways. Energy flows through us and it is we as individuals who decide how this energy is used. In other words we give the energy quality with our thoughts, words and actions.
In ancient times the feminine principle in the image of the goddess stood for relationship, justice, wisdom and compassion.
It was also seen as connecting the visible with the invisible realms, the visible nature and the invisible spirit. The feminine goddess also offered an image of oneness of all life.
Somewhere along the line, to our detriment, we lost that and we became a patriarchal civilisation with over emphasis on the masculine archetype and the devaluation of the feminine.
This meant we lived more in the mind/spirit, and feeling/nature values were neglected, which lead to the repression and suffering of women and a very unbalanced world that we have had to live in.
Luckily we have now moved on, religion and science, our cultural ideas and patterns of behavior have developed and we are beginning to find an equilibrium where none was.
At least we are well on our way, although there is still some ways to go looking at what goes on worldwide right now. And how can we each help? We can by focusing on ourselves and transforming ourselves individually.
Because the ultimate goal is for us as individuals to balance our own energies, to find that inner equilibrium of both the masculine and feminine energy so that we each become a whole person, a well-balanced human being.
A woman who has an over-developed feminine energy might be strong with her feelings but too weak physically or mentally, she might find it difficult to be independent and mighty be needy with low esteem, unable to exist without a male partner who she looks up to as her carer, provider or master.
A man on the other hand, with an over-development masculine energy and and under-developed feminine energy might be butch and strong physically, maybe mentally but is a total contemptible being when it comes to feelings and relationships with partners, family or friends.
Both are, therefore, unfinished specimens of humans and need some transformation to become whole and full functioning contributing to society in a wholesome way.
We are actually beginning to see signs of these transformations everywhere. Whenever you see a man being gentle, kind, compassionate, taking care of a baby, defending a woman, peaceful, just, wise, intelligent, intolerant of violence or degradation of women, you see a man who is developing his feminine energy aspect, to balance with his male energy, in a positive way.
This does not mean that he has given up his manhood on the contrary, he is more of a man and shows more strength when he embraces all these feminine values.
Whenever you see a woman being assertive, eloquent, decisive, independent, energetic, dynamic, you see a woman who is activating her masculine energy to find that equilibrium with her female energy.
It is this inner equilibrium that they strive for, making them into a higher more developed human being, and when such a couple come together, they are interdependent and not dependent on each other, it means they are able to genuinely communicate without playing games, it means they have and they treat each other with respect, and are able to love unconditionally.
The same applies to business people in the work place who can be much more effective when balanced.
Dealing with people who have found this inner equilibrium this inner balance of their masculine and feminine energy is quite refreshing and different from dealing with people who are immature, with hidden agendas and who play games because of their own inner insecurities and shortcomings.
So how can we find this balance in ourselves and how can we continue to live in an unbalanced world until such times that our cultures change for the better? Here are a few ideas to help you along the way.
> Understanding the importance of balancing both your feminine and masculine energy is already a big step forward. You can now work on your own self transformation and practice this in your daily life as you interact with everyone around you.
> See yourself as a soul belonging to a cosmic whole, as everyone else is around you. Let go whatever you have been indoctrinated with so far making you feel different, separate from, or better than anyone else around you.
> Forget your religious teachings of the past, the belief systems you have brought up in if they claim to be the only truth, if they encourage you to feel separate from the whole. There is a thread of truth in every religious teaching, find that truth and ignore the rest.
> Learn to recognize imbalance when you see it or feel it. Do what you can in your power to balance things out in your immediate environment.
> Let go of fear of what others might think or say or do and have trust in the cosmic universe that supports us always. Remember that feeling must be integrated with rational thought and wisdom. Think with your head, feel with your heart and then make your move.
> Be open and integrate alternative methods of healing along with the traditional medicine. Focus on preventive medicine. With modern medicine we have lost a lot of knowledge and wisdom of ancient teachings and it is time to claim it back. Many of us have embraced this already but the traditional medical system has yet to make this leap.
> Respect and value all women around you always on all levels. Help them to recognize their own value and importance of their contribution to society. It is women who give birth and nurture life and we must never forget that.
> Take interest in the psychology of children, their education, their involvement with nature, in improving the educational systems where schools should be a sanctuary for the youth, who are the future generations of leaders of our world. Help to introduce meditation and yoga for the young at school. This will benefit them and the whole of society.
> Teaching methods can change to include both the right and the left hemisphere of the consciousness, to encourage creative powers, develop a balance in the curriculum between developing logical thought and creative imagining.
Following is an excerpt from 'The Fate of the Earth' by Jonathan Schell. 'Because everything we do and everything we are is in jeopardy, every person is the right person to act and every moment is the right moment to begin.
Each of us is called to focus on rebalancing the masculine and feminine in ourselves and in our culture. This could effect a profound alchemy in our lives.
Women and men could both participate in a process of transformation which could bring into being a new cultural focus whose emphasis is no longer on power and control but on relationship, balance and connectedness.'
If you'd lilke to know more about self-transformation explore this link
Margo Kirtikar, doctor in the Science of Metaphysics, spiritual teacher and guide in the art of self-transformation.
If you need help and guidance on your self transformation I'll be happy to help you.
Her books are available on
One to one sessions by appointment only on skype. 15 minutes free of charge.
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