Arthroscopy - Ultimate Treatment For Shoulder Labral Injury

This article explains labral injuries and how an orthopedic surgeon is capable of diagnosing and curing labral injuries effectively.
Shoulder Is Like Ball and Socket
Shoulder labral injuries are nothing but a tear caused in the labral tissues in the shoulder. The shoulder is an area where the arms are connected to the body. 
The area is similar to a ball in the socket where the socket holds the ball. The shoulder bone corners are ball-shaped and thus socket-like tissues holds them together.
What Is Labral?
Labral is a different kind of cartilage which is more rigid and fibrous which keeps the shoulder bone in the right place. 
The main function of the labral tissue is to make the socket deeper to avoid the dislocation of the shoulders.
Labral Injury
When the labrum is too small or torn because of injury, it leads to subluxation or dislocation of the shoulders. The "subluxation" is a term that is used to denote the labrum slid to one side and "dislocation" means that the labrum is dislocated completely from the socket. 
Subluxation causes severe pain and clicking sounds while moving the shoulders. Dislocation of labral tissues leads to the complete separation of arms from the shoulder.
Types of Labrum Tear
There are three types of labrum tear that can occur. One is complete tear of labrum from the bone and the second type is tear within the labrum itself. 
There is also another type where the tears where the biceps meets the socket. The first two types are common labral injuries and the third type is rare.
Causes of Labrum Tears
Tears can be caused due to aging, roughly when people cross over forty years of age. The next reason is injury due to accident. The extreme physical activities by sports persons can also be the reason for labral injuries.
Ultimate Treatment for Labrum Tears?
The tough challenge in treating labrum tears is to find the location of the tear. Many top diagnostic techniques have failed to produce an accurate and efficient way to find tears. 
Even Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CT - Arthrorograms, only managed to produce an 80 - 85% accuracy in diagnosing. MRI scans also fail to offer 100% accurate diagnosis of labrum tears.
Orthopedic surgeons have come up with accurate diagnosing techniques with arthroscopy. It has become the ultimate option in the diagnosis of labrum tears with maximum accuracy. 
Arthroscopy is capable of producing an accurate diagnosis of the labrum tear location efficiently. But this type of diagnosis requires anesthesia before diagnosing.
Arthroscopic Repair Treatment
After finding the exact location of labral tear, the orthopedic surgeon can effectively cure the injury. If the injury is at the frayed edges, then the problem is rectified by simply removing the frayed edges. 
If it's a larger tear, latest and advanced technologies are used to place the bone and labral in the appropriate location and re-attach them using arthroscopy. This has made the treatment for such issues much more successful.
It is better to talk with an orthopedic surgeon. If you are based in Phoenix, AZ, you should visit the following website:

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